Opportunities to Explore
What are your interests? Your talents? Your passions? Prince of Peace Lutheran Church welcomes you and all that you have to offer our community of faith! We welcome you to learn more about Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s opportunities to serve. Please feel free to ask questions, to attend a committee meeting, and to bring new ideas to our community of faith.
Fellowship & Outreach
This committee oversees all of the fellowship activities within the congregation and also organizes the extension of assistance to local, national and international agencies in the form of funds, clothing, food, or volunteers.
- Organizing Shrove Tuesday, Lenten soup suppers, Bloomsday dinner, Oktoberfest, Christmas Blast
- Organizing hosts for the Sunday morning coffee hour
- Planning special events
- Organizing congregational picnics
- Helping serve for funeral receptions
This committee oversees the Christian Education opportunities for the congregation. It also addresses concerns of the Youth of Prince of Peace and ensures that planned events are a balance of Christian education and social activities.
This committee oversees the John Walk Music Scholarship and the Lutherhaven Campership Scholarship.
This committee works with the Church Treasurer on issues that relate to the finances of the church and preschool.
This committee oversees the building and grounds to see that they are maintained and improved as needed.
This committee addresses the education of the congregation regarding the gifts of time, talents and money.
The women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) group coordinates Bible Studies, educational opportunities, social activities and outreach programs. This is not really committee, but has participation and volunteer opportunities within the congregation.
Worship and Music
This committee is responsible for worship planning, altar guild, music programs and worship assists to bring meaningfulness to those who worship at Prince of Peace.