
We gather to tell the story of God’s love in Jesus Christ for you and the world on Sunday mornings during a traditional service at 9 a.m.

Prince of Peace Purpose Statement:
God’s purpose for Prince of Peace is to share the story of God’s love in, with, and for the community.

Prince of Peace Guiding Principles:

  • God’s timing is perfect and God’s grace is sufficient
  • Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior
  • Prayerfully listen for the Holy Spirit and boldly respond
  • All God’s children, young and old, are valued, safe and welcome
  • Share our abundant resources with the community through faithful stewardship
  • Heart for the vulnerable

Our Team

Meet our diverse team of dedicated individuals, each bringing a special touch to our ministry with their expertise and commitment to our community’s well-being.

Pastor Joel Skindlov


Ami Elliott,
Office Manager


Stephanie Perreiah, Preschool Director of


Sue Cole, Preschool
Director of Education


Janet Robel, Music


Mark Smith, Custodian

Our Council

Executive Committee Officers:
President – Sue Parrish
Vice-President – Susan Ames
Secretary – Linda Fernan
Treasurer – Marie Tamura

Council Members:
Frank Christoff
Sharon Ballou
Colton Brajcich
Cliff Hendrickson
Dave Moeller
Lynne Jacobsen