Join us for worship Sundays @ 9 am


Caritas Outreach Ministries: for 20 years, a collaborative effort of fourteen Northwest Spokane Churches demonstrating Christ's love by assisting those in need in our part of town. It's synergistic - by working together, sharing limited resources and information, we get more "bang for our buck." Services, including a food bank and assistance with energy and utility bills, are provided confidentially, on an as needed basis.

On the 2nd Sunday of each month we gather food supplies to help stock the Caritas food pantry. Check out this month's newsletter for a list of current needs.

Caritas Little Food Pantry
Good News! Prince of Peace is a sponsor for a Little Food Pantry. The pantry is located just outside the office door. Caritas will fill the pantry once a week, but we can supplement the contents or fill any time it is looking empty.